Saturday, May 23, 2009

State-side Once Again!

Well, I guess its time for another update on the Figueroa Family! I (Erica) am in Utah until the end of the month. I am doing lots of work with my mom with regards to our business and am enjoying the time it gives me to see friends and family! We all just got back from San Diego where we were supposed to get a great tan.... we didn't. We froze! what a LAME way to spend the week, but it was fun none-the-less!

Maya is now 8.5 months old! YIKES!!!
She STILL cant say Mama, only Dada. Which is FINE with me... when she cries, its for daddy! Emanuel wont admit it, but I know he adores it! She is much taller than the average baby her age. everyone comments on how much older than 8 months she appears. They also cant help but comment on how adoreable she is... Which I 100% agree with! Emanuel and I make killer looking babies. So we plan on making atleast a hundred more just to increase the gene pool! This last week I FINALLY got maya's hair into pigtails. She looks so cute with her piggies that I have resorted to torturing her with piggies each morning!

Emanuel is doing well. Although we are all melting to death in the wonderful city of Veracruz! We are toying with the idea of moving... to Utah, to Puerto Vallarta, to the North Pole.... anywhere with snow and a moderate temperature.... Heck, anything with a respite from insane humidity and 105* nights! Ok, enough of my rant.... anyway, Emanuel is doing well! :)

On an unrealted note: WE ARE GOING TO BE AUNT ERICA AND UNCLE EMANUEL for the very 1st time!! Emanuels brother Enos and his cute little wifey, Lupita, are having a baby girl!! ROCK ON! Also, Eman's bro Isaac is gettting married to the lovely Leslie... ok, end of recent updates....

PS: If you live in Utah, please lets get together, and I will do better to post more updates....